By Anonymous - 06/09/2009 07:25 - Japan

Today, I broke up with the girl I'd been dating for two months because she started smoking. This is a deal breaker for me. I just found out from her friend that she started smoking for the sole purpose of getting me to break it off and now plans to quit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 618
You deserved it 7 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You got OWNED!! Then again, clearly she's a jackass if she's willing to threaten her (and your) health like that.

I can't decide whether this is funny or sad. I'm leaning towards funny though. Go find someone better.


waterynuggets 0

Wat iz a childern? Furthermore, how the **** do you know they're children? And I would think the first couple of months ARE important, especially since there are plenty of people who enjoy the "thrill" of a new relationship, only to break it off a bit later when they get bored. I wouldn't date anyone who smokes, either, since it makes me sick...eyes water, coughing, feeling like I can't breathe.

that's not even remotely true if she only had a few a day to keep this holier than thou jerk away. just bc you start doesn't mean you can't just stop cold turkey, like I did.

Seriously, what is with all the children on this board WISHING and HOPING this girl will get lung cancer or die or burn in hell because she had a few cigs a day to keep the obviously unbearable-to-be-around OP away? I guess I should wish all alcoholics get liver cirrhosis or all heroin shooters get HIV, that certainly sounds appropriate and mature to me! Every one of you all has bad habits that others find disgusting, get off your high horse. And for the nerds who are saying "oh well you'll get the last laugh when she won't be able to stop", you are the worst and need to grow up. It's actually not that hard to quit smoking cold-turkey, even as a moderate smoker (10 cigs a day); I would know. And yes, I am aware smoking is a danger to one's health. No sh*t, that's why I quit.

CheshireHalli 19

Thank you! I wish the smokers would stop ragging on him about not wanting a smoker gf.

Talk about being on a ****** high horse....

sounds like its good you broke up with your ex..because she cant be an adult and break it off with you like normal people..she has to try and make shit up so you do it..shes stupid and your better off :)

Put2on8lookinboy 0 Could you please add that myspace? Me and my friend made it and our goal is to make it reallyyyy popular. So please add it and tell your friends about it. Thank you!!! :D

She sounds really immature anyway, so if she has to start smoking just to break up with you, I think that you're better off without her.

I would agree with you. I do not like to date smokers.

**** the giros life for feeling like she needed to start smoking for you to leave her alone