By Forgotten - 06/09/2009 07:26 - United States

Today, I decided to visit my dad. I haven't seen him in a while so I wanted to give him another chance to be an actual dad to me. Apparently, getting drunk and getting it on with his girlfriend while I was there was more important than spending time with his daughter, who he hasn't seen in almost a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 693
You deserved it 4 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow, to all those people saying they had a worse dad, get over it! this girl is obviously upset, and hearing there are worse dads our there is NOT going to make her feel better. her dad did a very rude, selfish, inappropriate thing, and she's hurt. sorry your dads suck, go get therapy! don't tell her "well atleast he's not a child molestor like mine" like...sorry your dad is, but she just showed us how upset she is over her own father! shut up about your own! make your own FML. jeez. you people are so rude and self centered!

She probably didn't just turn up out of the blue, she probably called him. And anyways, even if she did just turn up, what kind of a father would rather get drunk and **** his girlfriend rather than spend time with his daughter he rarely sees? A shit one. She has the right to "whine" in a situation like this. Her father doesn't have to "drop everything", but he should at least have the decency to hold off on the booze and sex while his daughter is there giving him another chance to be a real father.


Poonheart 0

FYL for being a retard. Delete your account please

Fake. This video has the word for word:

Just because it's been heard before doesn't make it totally fake. I'm sure there are quite a few parents in the world who, sadly, couldn't care less about their kids.

Well then that proves it is not fake shit head. How many other FML's have any truth about them?

You are a contemptible asshole. Children have no moral or legal obligation to support the drunken, promiscuous lifestyle of a parent.

hella_elyse 0

YDI for thinking your father changed. Take it from me People don't change. Never expect anything more from someone than they have already given you. You only set yourself up to be disappointed then.

Yeh ur rite. Theres heaps of no hopers out there like him. Dont accuse her u idiot. You must think ur so cool for figuring that out lolll

Stop whinning. If it read 'today I went on a trip that had been planned for months ....' then yea maybe FYL, but if you just turn up out of the blue then don't expect him to drop everything!

She probably didn't just turn up out of the blue, she probably called him. And anyways, even if she did just turn up, what kind of a father would rather get drunk and **** his girlfriend rather than spend time with his daughter he rarely sees? A shit one. She has the right to "whine" in a situation like this. Her father doesn't have to "drop everything", but he should at least have the decency to hold off on the booze and sex while his daughter is there giving him another chance to be a real father.

jaredletolover 0

with that attitude i feel soooo sorry for your kids if you ever have any

z3r0ram 0

emo's can't have children, they slit the wrists too deep and die all the time

Lmao #34 :) nice lol But yeah, I'd feel bad for the kids if lizzzie ever has any, though she might have to resort to artificial insemination considering no guy would want her :( ____________________________

z3r0ram 0

i just had my taillights smashed in. now i can get some darker tails tho. but it's probably because it's a one off, and hater hate or stupid drivers get pushed and passed anyway i can. It's called a speed limit people, it's the speed your supposed to do, not under.

drknssdrgn 0

actually a speed limit is just that... A limit. Its a maximum not a minimum. Its the fastest you are allowed to drive under good conditions. There is such a thing as driving too slow and that falls under the category of wreckless driving, but there is no law saying that "The speed limit is 65, you must drive 65 mph, no more/no less".

Epickitty58 29

#34 Don't you dare talk about people you know nothing about so disrespectfully. You have no right to talk about people like that. And besides, emo people don't all slit their wrists, and they certainly don't whine about everything. Seriously, who died and made you king of all knowledge, cause you don't know shit.

i would think getting drunk with his girlfriend is better anyway :D but seriously your life is ******

NO IT IS NOT SHIT-FOR-BRAINS! She may never have the father-daughter relationship she desires, but it is daddy's life that is FML. Daddy's actions have nothing to do with his daughter. But OP has an opportunity to have very normal, caring, and loving relationships if she get's help. You on the other hand, also have an opportunity to be educated and not remain a moron... about something that you know nothing about.

rockmyworld 0

dang, doesn't say she surprised him. actually, the way i read it was that he couldn't be bothered to talk to his daughter and just got drunk w/ his girlfriend when she was there op-that sucks, but you don't need him

Sounds like she's playing the "bros before hos" card, but she doesn't realize that with dudes, it's "Hos uber alles." Face it, he's just trying to make a new kid that is not as annoying as this one.

Epickitty58 29

Shut up with the sarcasm, smartass. OP is expressing frustration she has with her asshole father. Don't be rude.

jeez. i'd just let him go. it's so much better to live happily without a dad than live with an ass of one! FYL that sucks :(

I agree with #7 Its not whining its actually taken the time to give your dropkick dad another chance which after a event like that I don't think he deserves . . . Anyways fml That really sucks : (