By Anonymous - 06/09/2009 07:25 - Japan

Today, I broke up with the girl I'd been dating for two months because she started smoking. This is a deal breaker for me. I just found out from her friend that she started smoking for the sole purpose of getting me to break it off and now plans to quit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 618
You deserved it 7 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You got OWNED!! Then again, clearly she's a jackass if she's willing to threaten her (and your) health like that.

I can't decide whether this is funny or sad. I'm leaning towards funny though. Go find someone better.


honeyishrnkdakid 2

As a woman I say she is trifling. She needs to woman up and tell you to your face she doesn't want to be with you anymore. This is just as bad as the dumb sh*t guys do to get the girl to break it off, like cheat or just start ignoring her and her calls. If you're grown up enough to be in a relationship, then you should be grown up enough to directly end the relationship in a mature and respectful manner. FYL OP but you dodged a bullet, clearly she still has a juvenile mentality. (unless you're psycho-crazy fatal attractionist and so out of fear for her safety she orchestrated things in such a way that you broke up with her)

YDI for trying to control your girlfriend so much you think you have a right to dictate what risks she takes with her own lungs. It's none of your business if she smokes, try to be a little understanding of how hard itis to quit and what stresses can make a person turn to smoking. But, no, you'd rather judge her to the point of dumping her if she doesn't share your own health paranoia. Grow up.

You'll have the last laugh when you look in the obituary down the road to see that she died after a long fight with lung cancer. Let's see her quit - one of the hardest habits to break apparently.

to 101 - You're damn right I'd break up with the girl if she was weak enough to turn to smoking for a crutch. I don't need someone that pathetic in my life.

hah well, if she was that much of a coward anyway, then forget her ;)

faeriegrrl 0

Aw. It's so hard nowadays to find anyone who doesn't smoke. Seems like everyone over the age of fifteen does, despite the way it fcks up your health. Good luck, OP, and good job for sticking to your resolutions.

Now she's gonna get addicted and die. Dumb choice on her part.

YDI for being such a stuck up little bitch about smoking. people have a choice, respect that.

Dear #146, I agree. People have the choice of being STUPID. People also have the choice of dumping someone they find stupid, YOU should respect that.

if she is so immature that she can't speak openly with her boyfriend about her feelings and resort to copying a Seinfeld episode by taking up smoking, then you're better off without her. Plus, she may find out that quitting smoking isn't as easy as she thinks. that's pathetic.