Never the twain

By Anonymous - 04/05/2022 00:00

Today, after “talking” and flirting with my team lead for a few months, we started dating and I quit my job, which I really liked, and started working somewhere I didn’t just so we could be together. Now, two weeks after quitting, she breaks up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 352
You deserved it 1 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

She wanted to fire you and played the long game. Hats off to her commitment (or lack thereof?)

I feel like I say this every few weeks but: Don't. Date. Coworkers.


Marcella1016 31

She wanted to fire you and played the long game. Hats off to her commitment (or lack thereof?)

I feel like I say this every few weeks but: Don't. Date. Coworkers.

She probably preferred having you under her.