By willkftw - 21/09/2018 15:30

Today, I backed a van into another car at work, damaging the tailgate in the process. I work at a panel beater. The van I was driving had just had a brand new tailgate put on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 333
You deserved it 1 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

awildwhisper 30

Well considering that it was your fault for backing into them it's a good thing you work as a panel beater and can fix the car again.

I thought only pick up trucks had tailgates? Or is that what the trunk door is called?


awildwhisper 30

Well considering that it was your fault for backing into them it's a good thing you work as a panel beater and can fix the car again.

I thought only pick up trucks had tailgates? Or is that what the trunk door is called?

I thought that too, but after some googling I found out that apparently van rear hatches that open overhead are also called tailgates.

OP: "Yes! No more work for me to... *slams into other car* ...dammit..." OP's boss: "Gotta love the irony. Hey, I should get that on a t-shirt."