By Garrett - 10/03/2017 15:00 - United States - Vista

Today, after I arrived at work, somebody crashed into my parked car and left a big dent. The impact pushed my car up onto the curb and I got a parking ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 718
You deserved it 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jcash52426 5

Technically unless the officer saw the person hit your car he is going to assume that you parked that way. But as long as you can prove that you the damage caused you should be able to get that ticket torn up. A for the damage to the car unless there is a witness or cameras I doubt that you will find out who hit your car. Hopefully insurance will cover it.

why are they reposting fmls? This has been posted before.


why are they reposting fmls? This has been posted before.

jcash52426 5

Technically unless the officer saw the person hit your car he is going to assume that you parked that way. But as long as you can prove that you the damage caused you should be able to get that ticket torn up. A for the damage to the car unless there is a witness or cameras I doubt that you will find out who hit your car. Hopefully insurance will cover it.