Great start

By ChandaPanda - 15/03/2022 23:00 - Australia

Today, I went on the first date I've been on in years. While walking into the movie theatre, one of my shoes broke. Then I remembered that I needed to grab my mask. While walking back to the car, my other shoe broke. After the movie, I tripped on my broken shoes, and brought him down with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 016
You deserved it 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well at least it sounds like it was a memorable date ,hopefully you get more 🙂

bidet 8

Probably not the type of "going down" that he had hoped for.


well at least it sounds like it was a memorable date ,hopefully you get more 🙂

SerpentsfromtheSky 4

Would be a fun anecdote to look back on

bidet 8

Probably not the type of "going down" that he had hoped for.

On the bright side, all the best love story movies start out like that.

that's I guess the way to fall head over heels lol.