By Sunflare - 21/09/2018 17:30 - Netherlands - Holten

Today, my landlady gave me exactly one day to move out. I'm not even in the country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 969
You deserved it 158

Top comments

awildwhisper 30

Yea um I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say that's not even legal...

If you were, that's still not enough time to move out. Can you contact someone back home to act as your proxy while you're away?


If you were, that's still not enough time to move out. Can you contact someone back home to act as your proxy while you're away?

awildwhisper 30

Yea um I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say that's not even legal...

It is legal if they are behind on rent and have already been delivered an eviction notice. The eviction notice can be posted on your door and to a judge that is fair.

That's not legal. Law requires the landlord to give atleast 30 days notice. Unless you just ignored rent delinquency notices.

In a lot of states even if they don't pay rent it still takes a minimum of 30 days to evict someone legally.

Unless they have received an eviction notice prior to this being the first one

Or_worse_expelled 0

As you posted this from the Netherlands this isn’t legal. In the Netherlands you can’t get kicked out at all. Contact the Rechtswinkel in your nearest big city. They can help you with legal advice for free. Good luck.

Good advice, but chances are that the Netherlands is were OP is visiting and not where they live.

Generally for a landlord to evict you without a cause (like not paying rent, etc.) most laws in states/regions must give you a notice to vacate, usually 30-60 days.

I don't know what the laws are in your country, but in the U.S., you have to give 30 days' notice. Maybe you can let your landlady know you're not in the country?

TxKitten79 10

She legally can't do that. Find a friend who knows a lawyer and ask the lawyer to contact the lady. If the landladyproceeds, sue her ass!

Mungolikecandy 19

Tenant rights in the Netherlands appears to state that a minimum of 3 months notice to quit is required and any less is an illegal act.

Mungolikecandy 19

I would add to the above, unless the rent has not been paid or other such behaviours.

Does she let you use the dishwasher and bring the trash cans into the garage?