By ctmoto77 - 24/03/2015 17:09 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I arrived at work to find out someone had signed me up to a dating site. Apparently, my inability to speak to women has reached "boss level". Quite literally, as my boss was the one who signed me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 802
You deserved it 3 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol that's not the best way to handle things. don't take it too seriously, just laugh it off. If you don't want to be on the dating site, delete your profile :)

Talk to them to not be signing you up with out your permission!


well i suppose its nice that they wanna help, but yeah thats definitely a decision you should make not them

Watch him find his future wife in the dating site

Hey he's trying to help you out apparently they're tired of you being lonely and/or single

I'm assuming the boss is female?! seems to make sense with the issue of women and "boss level"... am i wrong? I've seen a few comments referring to the boss as male but I'm def picking up that it's a woman and OP is having trouble communicating with her as well.

can I join ur company? the perks seems awesome to me and atleast they care abt u :)