By ctmoto77 - 24/03/2015 17:09 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I arrived at work to find out someone had signed me up to a dating site. Apparently, my inability to speak to women has reached "boss level". Quite literally, as my boss was the one who signed me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 802
You deserved it 3 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol that's not the best way to handle things. don't take it too seriously, just laugh it off. If you don't want to be on the dating site, delete your profile :)

Talk to them to not be signing you up with out your permission!


Sigh your boss up to the same dating site

I feel like using an employee's information to sign them up for a dating site without their permission could be considered a form of harassment, if not sexual harassment (since it is a rude and unnecessary comment about your love life). In any case, best case scenario is that you guys have a good relationship and that you both found it a humorous joke and laughed it off. If it bothered you though, then either confront your boss or/and go to HR.

Jesus Serious Sarah way to kill the fun vibe

Well honestly, if I was in a work area where people were constantly giving snide remarks about how I couldn't get laid, and had no boyfriend, and eventually it got to "boss level" and even my boss signed me up for dating sites to join in on the fun, I really wouldn't enjoy working there. HOWEVER, I understand that people could be joking and it's just kind of friendly banter between the coworkers. That's why I specifically made the distinction between the scenarios. If it's the first, I think OP should just confront his coworkers. If it's the second, then he laughs it off :P

You miss 100% of the shots that you don't take. Roll with the punches and make lemonade out of a basket of lemons. They are trying to make you happy You don't want to end up being like Raj in Big Bang Theory do you?

maggiefox 25

Jokes on them when you find love ? ... And then it leaves and takes all your things.

If they paid Id take advantage those can be pricy.. If your pretty close I wouldn't be offended.. If not I'd have a serious talk with them.

Sounds like your boss actually cares for you and wants you to improve your life. It cant hurt

That is not the most appropriate way for your boss to behave...Not sure how to best handle it though because he is your boss which makes things more nerve-wracking

gobiteme2 34

Boss be the Boss. Hopefully he signed you for a reputable dating site. Never know you might meet a lady Boss/Owner and leave dumb ass behind.