The nerve of this dude

By ihatemyjob - 03/09/2015 03:37 - United States - Ridgeland

Today, my boss found me on a dating app. He found it perfectly acceptable to message me and didn't understand why I wasn't comfortable with it. He now wants to have a meeting with me about inappropriate behavior outside of work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 474
You deserved it 2 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's he supposed to say? He doesn't govern your life outside of work at all! Meeting is pointless. Lol

Whois acting inappropriately here....He's probably just annoyed you didn't want to date...


What's he supposed to say? He doesn't govern your life outside of work at all! Meeting is pointless. Lol

mds9986 24

And the fact he was on the dating site too makes him a hypocrite.

Hmm, well maybe he's just trying to make op date him. XD haha.

While that may be true, many companies try. People have (in the U.S.) been fired for what they do outside of working hours on the grounds that it "doesn't present the company in good light". I.E. They believe that what you do outside of work is indicative of how the company operates. Also **** those companies that do that

Time for a new job, or go to work in an awkward atmosphere.

"He now wants to have a meeting with me about inappropriate behavior outside of work." "...a meeting with me about inappropriate behavior outside of work." "...inappropriate behavior outside of work." "...OUTSIDE OF WORK." WTF

Just show him the message, say nothing, and look at him until he gets it.

deftones_fml 19

That's beyond creepy and scary!! Is there anyway you can go to HR or to his boss and tell them what happened?

dafluckster 6

Why is this getting down voted? It's completely logical and probably follows protocol.

If you can't get HR involved, take in a pen and paper and take notes on what they say. Hope it all goes okay, OP!

The_Big_Boss 20

Tell him you're not interested romantically. End of

End of what?? The suspense is killing me!

His life. The op is the reincarnation of the famous serial killer Jack the Ripper.

Ambrily 27

that's just because she (he?) told him she wasn't interested, that she's in trouble now. I think the best thing to do is to report him and his behavior.

end of cereal? Well darn i was quite fond of my breakfast.

Whois acting inappropriately here....He's probably just annoyed you didn't want to date...

Shoutout to all the assholes out there that are too prideful to accept rejection maturely

Legally he has no say in your behaviour outside of work. I'd go to the meeting and if he's married ask why he's on a dating site or tell him his message was inappropriate and the meeting is inappropriate and you could go to HR about it.

He has no right to address your activity on your dating site at work, including you ignoring his messages. Talk to HR.

I would talk to HR or someone higher up and bring this to their attention.. It's extremely inappropriate of your boss to be doing this to you. Sorry OP.

Soverain 15

He can't hold that over you. You have a life outside of work and this hardly qualifies as "inappropriate". However, I am curious to hear what he said to you through the app to lead him to believe nothing is wrong with this exchange.