By ctmoto77 - 24/03/2015 17:09 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I arrived at work to find out someone had signed me up to a dating site. Apparently, my inability to speak to women has reached "boss level". Quite literally, as my boss was the one who signed me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 802
You deserved it 3 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol that's not the best way to handle things. don't take it too seriously, just laugh it off. If you don't want to be on the dating site, delete your profile :)

Talk to them to not be signing you up with out your permission!


Boss sounds like a cool dude. Maybe he'll let you take off work to go on a date? Unless of course he signed you up to the same website that he's on...

That sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Please do a follow up on this! I'm curious as all get up!

we signed my friend up for a cheap version of Christian mingle under the name youwantpsalmofthis. some real gold diggers on that site

I hope his name is bowser please say it's bowser

Start reading Dan Savage and listening to his podcast. Get yourself into therapy if you haven't already and hopefully your boss did this to be nice and not cruel. I have met plenty of nice guys who have basically shot themselves in the foot by not being able to speak to women. All it takes is not caring a little bit. Which of course is never as easy as it sounds. Good luck.

I'm hoping the boss and employee have a closer relationship than most and are friends. One of my bosses set me up with her best friend. She thought we would be great together.

Boss of the year.....I wanna work for this guy.