That one embarrassing friend

By Tarik C - 06/08/2022 18:00

Today, while scouting a promising investment opportunity, my friend who escorted me kept referring to the area as “the hood” at full volume as we walked the street. Now I’m supposed to open a storefront there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 716
You deserved it 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

“Hey, buddy. Knock it off. People can hear you and I don’t want them to resent me before I even open the store...” Problem solved.

Was he wrong? Maybe this investment idea was "promising" for a reason?


Marcella1016 31

“Hey, buddy. Knock it off. People can hear you and I don’t want them to resent me before I even open the store...” Problem solved.

Or if you prefer brevity, “Dude, shut the **** up” will do.

This only works if the friend is respectful enough to listen to you.

Was he wrong? Maybe this investment idea was "promising" for a reason?