By internetloser - 16/08/2017 16:15 - United States - Kewaskum

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. How, you may ask? He used the Adult Swim "We should see other people" commercial. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 595
You deserved it 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm really sorry for the breakup. But at least he didn't try and pull Chandler Bing on you by lying, he has to go to a completely different country because his job decided to relocate him just to avoid direct breakup.

yergenferfer 9

At least he didn't use the Ashley Madison commercial to tell you that he was cheating on you.


Gotta give him points for originality...

yergenferfer 9

At least he didn't use the Ashley Madison commercial to tell you that he was cheating on you.

I'm really sorry for the breakup. But at least he didn't try and pull Chandler Bing on you by lying, he has to go to a completely different country because his job decided to relocate him just to avoid direct breakup.


omg I was just joking with my boyfriend showing him that commercial I can't believe someone would atcually do that I'm sorry hun!