By riddick0846 - 12/12/2010 07:29 - United States

Today, I accidentally ran over a squirrel on the road. I was late for work so I didn't stop. Later, someone keyed the word PETA into the side of my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 799
You deserved it 13 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What were you supposed to do? Have a funeral?

Stupid PETA. Were they expecting you to give it a funeral?


Petawhitney 2

That poor squirrel. You definitely deserve it, you inconsiderate murderer! J/k, of course. Shit happens. Even most normal peta members know that. You were dealing with a psycho.

sourgirl101 28

Are you a normal PETA member, Whitney? (:

People Eating Tasty Animals!!! I support PETA!

If an animal runs out infront of you you're supposed to keep going, stopping or swerving is dangerous to other road users. Stupid peta.

EvilDave 13

This is why it should be legal to kick the shit out of every PETA member.

only assholes believe in beating people up for their ideas. peta isnt bad, the guy that went too far and keyed someones car because of an accident is.

EvilDave 13

PETA is a group so dedicated to protecting animals that they take animals from shelters and kill them. They are a bunch of lying hypocrites.

FYLDeep 25

I'm all for better treatment for animals. Everyone knows that the healthier the animal is while it's alive, the better it tastes when you grill it up.

Hey, that's wrong, guys! There is a place on Earth for all God's creatures... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.

fuckurmomwhilesh 0

Ydi for even considering stopping.. Why would you stop for a stupid squirrel? And I have trouble believing someone keyed peta into your car because that would be absolutely retarded of that person..

Stupid squirrel? Since when do animals not feel pain? You're telling me that an animal is deprived of emotions such as being scared? You're telling me that animals are stupid just because they're animals? That we shouldn't care if they suffer pain? I see.. This is why the world is becoming such a shit place; because of people like you.

killabee 0

Niaa, slow your roll and stop jumping to dramatic conclusions. He didn't say the damn squirrel couldn't feel pain or fear. "People like you blabla" moron. Btw stopping and getting out of your car in the middle of the road is stupid. Being late for work is beside the point, you should usually avoid things that put you in the path of oncoming traffic.

kayybby 1

This world is not becoming a shit place over people not stopping for animals dumbass. It's becoming a shit place because of who's in office, because people don't only want money, and because nobody thinks for themselves anymore, they just go with the flow. I'm pretty positive squirrels are the very last reason for the world becoming shitty. Do some research before you make a stupid ignorant comment next time.

I find it easy to believe that a PETA member did something stupid

It's evolution in progress. Every time you run over a squirrel too dumb to stay out of the street, the average intelligence of squirrelkind goes up a fraction.

its not like animals are taught the danger of roads and cars, they dont have an instinct telling them that either, so how does not knowing make them stupid? its not thier fault.

Be careful now, in time we will have a race of super-smart squirrels that will enslave all humans!

Michigan_Girl 0

What did they do...follow you to work?! Crazy psychos!

I find that absolutely stupid. The squirrel ran in front of a two ton metal block. Of COURSE it would have been killed. All animals do it. And so do people. If he got out to get a funeral for it, he'd be hit by another car. I'm surprised the squirrel was running IN the road, when there was a roaring beast in it.

Where I'm from, squirrels are target practice, for guns and trucks alike. I'd like to see somebody key my vehicle with PETA. They'd get a good ol' fashioned country ass whoopin'.