By riddick0846 - 12/12/2010 07:29 - United States

Today, I accidentally ran over a squirrel on the road. I was late for work so I didn't stop. Later, someone keyed the word PETA into the side of my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 800
You deserved it 13 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What were you supposed to do? Have a funeral?

Stupid PETA. Were they expecting you to give it a funeral?


OMG I hate PETA so much. Everybody in PETA or everybody who supports PETA should just die. I mean, I love animals, but these jackasses care more about animals than humans. These people are a waste of life.

Agree. Also, how the bloody hell are you meant to be able to see the squirrel? Unless it was Squirrelzilla or Squirrel Kong or something. They move so bloody fast too.

animals are more important than humans because we have officially ****** up everything we have and especially the earth. animals just live here and suffer with whatever oil spill or forest we've burned down. I'd but people below animals

112. yeah, we should all kill ourselves to make this world a better place

lovelove24 1

Why the hell should I put animals over myself? You do realise that most animals would eat you if they had the chance? They do not give a shit about people, why should I even care? And I do not care what happens if all humans die out, why should I? I obviously will put myself over an animal if I have to because I care more about my own survival. Deal with it.

iliekpuddin 0

yeah but all driver education programs tell you not to stop, they tell you to plow right through squirrels, frogs, rabbits, etc.. so really OP did the right thing

perdix 29

You ought to find out who did it and scratch "PITA" in the side of their car. Fighting fire with humor is a classy touch.

I did see a show once about a guy that eats road kill, I bet he eats squirrles...

how did they manage to follow you. if it disturbed the rodent hugger that much he/she should have stopped to check on the poor little f*cker him/herself. the irony (coincidence?) there is kinda rattling. sorry about your car

jokes on them, the e in peta is lowercase. Also, I wouldn't have stopped even if I weren't late. There's nothing you could have done at that point.

if you didn't stop on purpose you can burn in hell