By riddick0846 - 12/12/2010 07:29 - United States

Today, I accidentally ran over a squirrel on the road. I was late for work so I didn't stop. Later, someone keyed the word PETA into the side of my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 800
You deserved it 13 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What were you supposed to do? Have a funeral?

Stupid PETA. Were they expecting you to give it a funeral?


Wezl8 0

You need to track down the person who did that and stab him or her in the eye with their own key.

idgaf99 0

lol haha u desurved it! u know u could of swurved or sumthing. I'm in PETA myself...

kayybby 1

Well I guess you're a dumbass too. learn how to spell, for one. and for two, no person in their right mind will stop to check on an animal that is probably dead, and if it isn't will be pissed and try to attack you, and give you god knows what disease. I think a job to support yourself is more important than a ******* squirrel.

fearthesteer 2

hey PETA freak... People Eating Tasty Animals I've been a hunter all my life an I ain't gonna quit cuz some tree humping hippies tell me not to get food an unwind

ideasrule 13

FYL, but only because it wasn't your fault & stopping wouldn't have helped, not because I don't value the squirrel's life.

This will do wonders for peta's cause. Who wouldn't agree with their ways when they're keying cars? Jesus... This makes people care less about animals, not like I cared much about roadkill in the first place.

people who say that you've deserved this should get themself checked out or just jump off a cliff. accidents happen, if somebody fails to realise that you didn't do it on purpose then there is no reasoning with them. Furthermore, stopping can often be dangerous for yourself - so you may have done yourself a favor. I wonder if those peta dorks run after tigers and lions that just killed another animal with spray paint.

you should hang the squirrels tail from you car

skemo 0

you deserved that yeah like the 5 seconds it took for u to stop and that squirrel to get by would have made a huge difference. I think they should have keyed PETA into your forehead :)

Arschloch04 0

I suppose that you have never had an animal jump in front of your car out of nowhere? You're an idiot. Go take some more English classes too, you need them.

skemo 0

He did deserve it, he just kept driving. what kind of person does that? at least he could have had a little more respect for the animal, or the people who have to drive by and see it. It also may have still been alive. That happens what he just ran over the leg or tail. Than he left some poor creature to suffer. as for my puntuation, I was in a rush to type that. so do everyone a favor a STFU.

Arschloch04 0

First of all, it's 'punctuation'. Anyone with any real knowledge of animals would likely keep driving. If injured, it would be very dangerous and could give you any number of diseases. There is no sense in stopping to see if the 5 pound animal you hit with your 800 pound car is alive.

You gotta be kidding me. First of all, you STFU. Second, stopping could have quite possibly caused a major accident. And even if he did stop, there was a good chance someone else would have gone around him and still have hit the damn squirrel.

Blacksmokehick 0

**** PETA. just a bunch of animal freaks any ways. its called animal control.

yeah potentially getting into a major car accident that could result in death is a much better option than hitting a squirrel.

I think you should apologize to the squirrel's family!!