By Anonymous - 21/02/2014 07:02

Today, I was let go from work because they need "younger people". I'm 19 and I work at a flower market. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 590
You deserved it 3 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unwantedforlife 14

I'm pretty sure that's an illegal reason for being fired, at least in America.

Wizardo 33

If the employees get any younger its gonna get illegal, fight the flower power OP.


unwantedforlife 14

I'm pretty sure that's an illegal reason for being fired, at least in America.

I think in some states like California its legal, not sure though.

It's not legal to terminate based on sex, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other protected right in any state. Right to work states can terminate at any time for any reason, but again not for a protected reason.

Not legal in California as it's a protected right, not legal in any state.

TheDrifter 23

At will and right to work aren't interchangeable terms. At will means you can be terminated without cause. Right to work means you can work wherever will hire you, regardless of whether or not you join a union. The two laws are in no way related.

incoherentrmblr 21

Isn't sex and gender the same thing (Well, in this context)

the distinction is still pretty important to have in this context. Say in the case of a transgender man, termination based on sex would be based on him being biologically female whereas termination based on gender would be because he identifies as male.

#21 unless you work at a church. I'm pretty sure you can't be atheist if you're a priest.

I'm not certain why #50 got down voted; he's absolutely right. Federal law, specifically ADEA, only protects workers over the age of 40.

Wizardo 33

If the employees get any younger its gonna get illegal, fight the flower power OP.

Nickb55 16

If the employees get any younger it'll become a like a sweatshop too

just wait for them to hire someone older than you, then sue them

I call shenanigans! That job is legally still yours! Fight for it!

I wouldn't fight to work at a place that treats their people like that..

Talk to a solicitor. They'll usually listen to you and tell you if you have a case without obligation.

Sorry that you lost your job OP. If it were me it would become my life dream to make my own flower shop and put them out of business.

That's illegal. You need to file a complaint and start a lawsuit for wrongful termination. You will win big!

I doubt he/she will "win big" from a stall at a flower market as an individual. The big bucks come from class suits.

By win big, I mean OP will get unpaid wages, will get compensated for damage, it has some value to it all and could mean pay until op finds another job... In fact when OP files for unemployment and tells them this reason was given for termination they will give unemployment, but will also forward it as an illegal complaint.

thejimler 9

It's bad enough when you get fired when you're doing your best, but it goes from mere anger to livid rage when the 'reason' they give for terminating you is a bold-faced lie. Sorry for your loss OP.