By UpAllNight - 09/02/2019 13:00 - Palestinian Territory

Today, I had to sleep at my in-laws' house. My in-laws' bedroom is directly above the one we’re sleeping in. For the last 20 minutes, all I can hear is the bed going, “Thud, thud, thud.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 085
You deserved it 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91uk 22

You're a guest in their house... Get over it

Just say ay breakfast "I hope my partner/SO/Wife/Husband can be that sexually active when we are your age" ..then cue awkward silence lol


You’d better get some noise-cancelling headphones because old people can go for a long time. It’s one of the few benefits of getting older.

Just say ay breakfast "I hope my partner/SO/Wife/Husband can be that sexually active when we are your age" ..then cue awkward silence lol

bloopaloop 27

Seems like you're way too easily offended/ grossed out. People have sex. Accept it, and move on.

Plot twist: Your in-laws are downstairs watching TV.

so at least you know your in-laws have a healthy sexual relationship. And you are a guest in their house.

K3719er 9

Sounds to me like you missed a golden opportunity to rub one out 🤣

Doesn’t that bode well for YOUR future sex life, considering your spouse is their offspring?