My kingdom for a lock

By IAmJacksDeflatedHappiness - 19/10/2021 23:00

Today, I asked my family not to disturb me while I slept, as I had hit over 72 hours of insomnia. My family must have heard me say, “Come in every 20 minutes and wake me up with whatever banal shit you can think of.” I gave up when my mother-in-law decided to enter my room and start vacuuming the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 433
You deserved it 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

they make these wonderful things called "locks". they prevent people from coming in your should go to the hardware store and check them out.

If you can afford it, spend a couple of nights at a hotel to get some sleep


They were hoping to hear, "I need to quit being a parasite and get my own place, so I can have my own sleep schedule without disrupting everyone else." So, when are you actually going to say that?

Jon Tessler 14

they make these wonderful things called "locks". they prevent people from coming in your should go to the hardware store and check them out.

If you can afford it, spend a couple of nights at a hotel to get some sleep