By TrolleyCollector - 13/05/2016 09:10 - Australia - Seymour

Today, at work, the shopping carts have coin locks on them so people put them back or don't go stealing them. A lady couldn't find a coin, so I unlocked one with my key and said to her, "It doesn't look like you will run off and steal it" as a joke. She replied, "I can't run darling, I have an artificial leg." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 172
You deserved it 2 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dietcoke09 25

I always thought my dad had two legs growing up and thought nothing of it. It was when I was 13 and went to the beach with him and he took it off I was like WTF! Point of the story, some people who have prosthetics usually go unnoticed until they say something or show you. I'm sure it was embarrassing though!

Some artificial legs look almost real, or they're just concealed well. It's not like you knew, OP!


Some artificial legs look almost real, or they're just concealed well. It's not like you knew, OP!

Not to mention that you can run with lots of the newer artificial legs

There is also the fact that it is a figure of speech.

dakid87 10

You had good attention. Don't feel bad

Agreed, that was a nice thing to do - and it doesn't sound like you offended her, there was probably no way to tell the leg was artificial.

dietcoke09 25

I always thought my dad had two legs growing up and thought nothing of it. It was when I was 13 and went to the beach with him and he took it off I was like WTF! Point of the story, some people who have prosthetics usually go unnoticed until they say something or show you. I'm sure it was embarrassing though!

Now this I can't get. How does your own father go 13 years without him mentioning it or you noticing it?

dietcoke09 25

He says he's told me before but I never remembered. I also never saw my dad because my mother and father divorced while I was young. When we went to the beach it was my birthday. I live in NC and my dad lived in CA so we weren't ever close, still aren't. Not that I have to explain myself.

That's hilarious. I don't even know how'd I react if my dad casually just took his leg off one day.

You never saw your Dad's leg until you were 13? 0_o My grandpa had a prosthetic leg so I grew up not thinking it was all that surprising. It got weird when I started inviting friends to his house, and didn't think to warn them, because I was so used to it myself. They were always shocked to see he only had one leg. (His prosthetic was uncomfortable and he took it off when he got home... like taking your bra off at the end of a long day. )

dietcoke09 25

Read the above comment. I'm tired of the messages asking the same thing. Yes, I never saw my dads artificial leg until I was 13.

You made a comment that included a personal anecdote, and its a really odd situation. Of course people are going to be surprised, you're lucky on this site that everyone's reactions are positive, there's really no need to be so rude to the people responding...

Yeah! It didn't sound like she was offended or otherwise hurt. If anything, it's an opportunity to make a remark on the incredible craftsmanship of her prosthesis.

The fact she replied like that seems she knew you didnt know or just really doesnt care about it too much. I think you're ok OP. Most people might have made the same mistake.

I don't think you should worry. If it bothers her then she wouldn't have brought it up.

Doesn't sound like she took it badly, sooo what's the big deal?

She sounds like she has a good sense of humour to joke about her leg with strangers. (:

There's a mistake in this FML that makes me cringe. You used stealing instead of steal

Stealing is a valid word and was correctly used as a verb. E.g. We need to stop Joe from stealing those pencils. Using steal just doesn't work.

Actually in the wording of the FML steal would be correct. After all it was correct from stealing to steal

It said that "You wouldn't run off and stealing it" explain how on Gods green earth is that correct grammar

Actually that's not what OP said. Maybe you should read it again.

As I stated above the FML was corrected. Maybe you should read my comment again

you really should read OP's post again, they say steal in the spot you're talking about, and stealing in the beginning. don't be butt-hurt over being corrected.