By Noname - 13/03/2009 20:54 - United States

Today, at the dinner table my parents were talking to my younger sister about her new boyfriend and how they should be taking it slow. My sister then pointed out that that's not what I do. My dad said, "Believe me I know- your sister's easier to get into than community college." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 888
You deserved it 30 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cyxx 0

Haha that was mean, but if even your dad and younger sister know about your apparently overly active sex life, there's probably some truth to that statement.

It amazes me how mean and rude some parents are, if these kinds of FMLs are true. And if it is.... I am so sorry. What a jerk : I hope he was just joking.


It amazes me how mean and rude some parents are, if these kinds of FMLs are true. And if it is.... I am so sorry. What a jerk : I hope he was just joking.

you deserve it for having a boyfriend instead of a *****

Her dad just made himself temporarily my favorite person in the world

Kassad_fml 0

straight with the words.... poor you.

cyxx 0

Haha that was mean, but if even your dad and younger sister know about your apparently overly active sex life, there's probably some truth to that statement.

llSgtScopell 0

Boom roasted by your dad. I hope he was joking :D

whats with all these FML dad's making witty comments!?!?!?! :O lol funny all the same

A ZING if I ever saw one haha. But a dad shouldn't say things like that about their daughters in any situation...that's just horrible, even if he was joking x(.

Special_K 0

that sounds like your dad had sex with you. wtf.

iSooooo Agree Wit #8. Sounds Like Dad Knows From Personal Experience.

TheSchizoPsycho 5

Lol #8 " I tapped that ass too! " --father

I don't know why you commenters are saying the dad is rude. Honesty with your kids is the way to go and to really get the point across, sometimes you have to leave a verbal zinger on your kids. My siblings and I got burned by our parents a lot but it made us realize our flaws. The OP probably won't be such an obvious ***** now.

She'll just be a closet *****- even better!

Exactly what I thought reading #9's comment lmao