By Noname - 13/03/2009 20:54 - United States

Today, at the dinner table my parents were talking to my younger sister about her new boyfriend and how they should be taking it slow. My sister then pointed out that that's not what I do. My dad said, "Believe me I know- your sister's easier to get into than community college." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 885
You deserved it 30 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cyxx 0

Haha that was mean, but if even your dad and younger sister know about your apparently overly active sex life, there's probably some truth to that statement.

It amazes me how mean and rude some parents are, if these kinds of FMLs are true. And if it is.... I am so sorry. What a jerk : I hope he was just joking.


#72 all men are "smatter"? you sure you don't wanna take that comment back? imbecile..

zombiebrains 0

I totally agree with #1. That was rude and uncalled for, especially from your father!

Moomoomoo_fml 0

What a hilarious dad! although, i would be a bit uncomfortable if my dad was like that

Ironicles 1

80 is right. The dad is a giant douche.

...maybe you should try not being so slutty? But if you're not and the comment was undeserved, then your dad's just a jerk.

Stupid. Clearly made up. Just like 75% of the FML's now adays. No dad would do that..after every small thing that's said just come up with a witty line? I call bullshit on this FML. The people who accept these aren't even going to truth anymore they just want it to be funny and ridiculous. Lame.

toad_fml 0

not gonna lie, the line was hilarious, but your dad is shitty for saying it to his daughter. unless you're a POS and deserve it. who knows?

man your dad's awsome mebbe you should improve your standards?