By Noname - 13/03/2009 20:54 - United States

Today, at the dinner table my parents were talking to my younger sister about her new boyfriend and how they should be taking it slow. My sister then pointed out that that's not what I do. My dad said, "Believe me I know- your sister's easier to get into than community college." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 885
You deserved it 30 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cyxx 0

Haha that was mean, but if even your dad and younger sister know about your apparently overly active sex life, there's probably some truth to that statement.

It amazes me how mean and rude some parents are, if these kinds of FMLs are true. And if it is.... I am so sorry. What a jerk : I hope he was just joking.


"that sounds like your dad had sex with you. wtf." #8 is right

Your entire family knows that you jump every guy you're with? I don't see why we should feel bad for it. Do what you want, but you've obviously done something (Or a lot of people) if your whole family knows.

Good for your dad for not ignoring that you're a filthy little *****--it's worse when parents live in denial.

#23 --- there's a way to talk to a daughter about issues like that without being demeaning and insulting towards her in front of the entire family at the dinner table what this father said is pretty inexcusable I would say!

the truth can hurt huh? =P If you're sleeping around enough for your family to make a comment about it, perhaps you should try pulling in the reigns a little.

RHK_fml 0

#23 bahahahaha. agreed. the dad's not an ass for calling her out. someone needed to. maybe she won't part her sea for every moses that comes around now.

Well you know, everything in moderation.

OK... Dad's kind of a dick... but props where they're due: He's a witty and quick thinking dick!