By Trappedinthecloset - 19/06/2017 12:41

Today, I accidentally came out to my nan. She decided that this is unacceptable, and has made it her mission to 'convert' me. It's also the day we arrived in an isolated spot in Spain for a 20-day holiday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 743
You deserved it 901

Nightlark tells us more.

Hey, OP here. Basically, I made a joke. I've just got back from uni so I'm not used to hiding parts of myself (I don't have to hide it around my mum cause she likes to pretend it doesn't exist). My nan was talking about me getting married, saying I needed to find Mr right. I made a joke about it being Mrs Right without thinking and here we are.

Top comments

I'm sorry that you are having to deal with not only her bigotry, but her cruelty. The only thing I can suggest is to tell her that if she really plans on converting you, she isn't going to see much of you, and then go wherever in order to spend the minimum amount of time with her.

Well, pretend that her "Spanish Inquisition" worked and you have converted back to straightdom. People have been doing that for centuries, except with religion instead of orientation.


I'm sorry that you are having to deal with not only her bigotry, but her cruelty. The only thing I can suggest is to tell her that if she really plans on converting you, she isn't going to see much of you, and then go wherever in order to spend the minimum amount of time with her.

Well, pretend that her "Spanish Inquisition" worked and you have converted back to straightdom. People have been doing that for centuries, except with religion instead of orientation.

They have been doing it with orientation too. Hence, gay rights just now coming around.

In fact, they've being doing that for orientation largely because of religion.

How did you "accidentally come out". I'd like to hear what happened

"I like muff. I mean, what's for dinner?"

How do you 'accidentally' come out to your grandma? 'Hey, Nan, pass the poptarts, please. We queers love poptarts!'

tolkien897 15

yeah. I kinda want to know how you accidentally come out lol

You tell your nan that you wish you had vacationed in the Greek Isles instead, and you'd really like to explore Lesbos.

How do you manage to do this by accident?

Hey, OP here. Basically, I made a joke. I've just got back from uni so I'm not used to hiding parts of myself (I don't have to hide it around my mum cause she likes to pretend it doesn't exist). My nan was talking about me getting married, saying I needed to find Mr right. I made a joke about it being Mrs Right without thinking and here we are.

Just tell her she's succeeded in converting you on about day 3. Hopefully you'll hear nothing more about it.

OP, did u notice that you have 2 usernames? Trappedinthecloset and Night lark? I am assuming you either a) changed your username or b) the FML posted was from a different person. I hope that it is the first one. So sorry, OP.

I didn't have an account when I posted the FML. But since people were asking about how I managed to accidentally come out, I figured I should make an account to reply xD

This is where you have to make a choice. Pretend to be straight to appease your family. Or tell the truth, and if unaccepted, distance yourself from your family. I have one family member that will talk to me, the rest pretends I don't exist. It used to bother me, but I have come to realize that people have their own issues to work through, and it has little to do with me.