By Anonymous - 15/07/2019 18:00

Today, I realised the recruiter for the Navy lied to me. This shit ain't fun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 887
You deserved it 2 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Alup132 22

I was under the impression that it’s not fun at all

Mungolikecandy 19

Recruiters have targets and often bonuses to get.


Mungolikecandy 19

Recruiters have targets and often bonuses to get.

Contrary to popular belief, recruiters don’t get bonuses based off of contracts. The most they can get is an award at the end of the year.

most people don't "have fun" during their first contract. more rank (and time in service) means more options. you may change your mind

Alup132 22

I was under the impression that it’s not fun at all

Of course they lied, that’s their job. I was lied too by my Navy recruiter, but I did have fun while in.

ThePuffedCheeto 3

Lol I'm actually in the navy and did research rather then to rely on my recruiter. My recruiter didn't lie to me though, she was actually pretty ******* honest. Maybe use your brain next time so that you won't just follow blindly into something.

rigsby663 5

You should try the army lol

mine did too that's how I ended up in subs but honestly I've grown to love it

I was duped back in 1998... nothing new, they will lie to get you to sign your life away. In hindsight, even though I despised the lie, it is a learning experience and helped me grow as in individual.

toodamntall 9

A recruiter is effectively just a salesperson for the armed forces, of course they're going to hype things up and leave out all the nitty-gritty bits.