By Noname - 13/03/2009 20:54 - United States

Today, at the dinner table my parents were talking to my younger sister about her new boyfriend and how they should be taking it slow. My sister then pointed out that that's not what I do. My dad said, "Believe me I know- your sister's easier to get into than community college." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 885
You deserved it 30 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cyxx 0

Haha that was mean, but if even your dad and younger sister know about your apparently overly active sex life, there's probably some truth to that statement.

It amazes me how mean and rude some parents are, if these kinds of FMLs are true. And if it is.... I am so sorry. What a jerk : I hope he was just joking.


HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA wow. that was good.

jer_fml 0

haha those ***** shoulda been worth it

Mandala_fml 0

Maybe the community college in their area is quite selective?

wrestler_fml 0

Haha I love your dad. he sounds like the kind of a dad you'd see on TV. PS maybe you dress like a *****, have low self-esteem, worry more about sex than looks, get bad grades, hang with wrong crowd, etc.? Whatever it is that you do that is sl*tty, GET RID OF IT! cuz guys find it unattractive and gross. if im gonna date a girl, she HAD DAMN WELL BETTER not be the type who would cheat on me! and if a girl wanted to have sex with me, i haev a MUCH HIGHER CHANCE of doing it with her if she doesnt look like she has STDs! no offense to anybody

you shouldn't even give your father reason to say that... it could be prevented, you know

I don't even know why people are commenting like they are... What you do with your sex life is your business. And just because your father made a comment like that doesn't mean there has to be any truth to it. My dad calls me a street walker on the rare occasion I want to wear shoes that aren't sneakers. Why? I have no idea. There's no logic or truth to it. Don't listen to these people. I bet if a guy posted something like this the comments would be completely different.

i'm sorry i hit the "you deserved that link" accidentally. I didn't mean to judge you.


aww. :( im sorry. IM THE 69th COMMENT. :D

it's okay, only the whole internet knows that you banged your dad now. your secret is safe withus ; ] just hope mom didn't pick up on it!

y'know when your dad says that about you, it's true.