By Noname - 13/03/2009 20:54 - United States

Today, at the dinner table my parents were talking to my younger sister about her new boyfriend and how they should be taking it slow. My sister then pointed out that that's not what I do. My dad said, "Believe me I know- your sister's easier to get into than community college." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 885
You deserved it 30 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cyxx 0

Haha that was mean, but if even your dad and younger sister know about your apparently overly active sex life, there's probably some truth to that statement.

It amazes me how mean and rude some parents are, if these kinds of FMLs are true. And if it is.... I am so sorry. What a jerk : I hope he was just joking.


straight up yo. wordd. your dad's cool

That's hilarious, your dad called you on your revolving door vajayjay. I'd like to buy him a beer.

thats ****** hilarious ur dads the man i bet u r a **** 2

"Believe me I know- your sister's easier to get into than community college." Huh, that's interesting; I guess he knows you better than you thought, *wink wink*

mizled 0

So many snide parents on here... where do they get they're material? o_O

damnn_it 0

you totally made that up except for the part that you're easier to get into than a community college. hah retarded *****..

fatty78 0

If your dad knows how much of a ***** you are then you seriously need to evaluate your lifestyle.

trying_madly 0

dude, I agree with 8 the "believe me I KNOW" part makes it sound like he knows from experience