By saxophone911 - 13/04/2013 15:52 - United States

Today, at school, I saw the guy I like at his locker. I decided to run up from behind and surprise him. I ended up accidentally slamming his locker on his fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 278
You deserved it 44 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well now you have time to get to know him while you escort him to the school nurse :)

Shortay123 14

I'm sure if you know him well enough it wasn't too big of a deal. Just laugh it off and make it up to him. (: Text him and say "Sorry about the other day, I hope your fingers aren't damaged too bad. Perhaps I could make it up to you by taking you out to lunch?" There is always a way to turn a seemingly unredeemable disaster into an opportunity. (:


jamiey 5

That sucks! Next time,just walk up to him no need to run up and surprise him lol

why are you at school on a Saturday?

woiz 11

now whenever he see u he ll feel pain in his fingers ...FYL

should have offered em a bandaid. maybe even a kiss on his bruises lol