By could be an fml commenter - 13/04/2013 17:26 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I got the chance to speak to some of the top academics in my field. I was so hungover that I couldn't remember the title of the Masters degree I've spent two years studying for, let alone make intelligent comments. I'm pretty sure the only thing I got right was my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 689
You deserved it 108 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow you really deserve it this time, my friend. Next time, lay off the alcohol the night before a meeting like this. You really messed it up and I have no sympathy for you.

You only get one chance to make a first impression, and you blew it. I'm sure you made quite the impression. If you're going to act like an idiot in front of people, at least do it drunk, not hungover.


Wow you really deserve it this time, my friend. Next time, lay off the alcohol the night before a meeting like this. You really messed it up and I have no sympathy for you.

I don't know why some people do.. 34 "Fyl's"

Wow you're an idiot. If you have an important meeting like that coming up the last thing you do is get ridiculously drunk the night before. And since it sounded like a very important meeting I find it hard to believe you weren't aware ahead of time. Even if you weren't, it was stupid to get THAT drunk in the first place. What the hell is the point of getting so drunk that you will regret it big time the next day and likely won't even remember most of it anyway?

I could be massively wrong here, but I don't necessarily think OP had an important meeting. I read the words saying 'got the chance to speak to' and I thought that sounded like OP bumped into them. Also, I want to know which commenter he/she could be...

DyslexicPanda 12

Can you even expect sympathy from a post like this?

It makes me wonder if the OP posted it because they knew how dumb their actions were, or the'yre so absent-minded that they thought this deserved a pat on the back and a sprinkle cupcake.

You only get one chance to make a first impression, and you blew it. I'm sure you made quite the impression. If you're going to act like an idiot in front of people, at least do it drunk, not hungover.

Hey doc, I'm pretty sure the writer's name refers to you

Being hungover is still being drunk.

Unless you're studying the effects of alcohol on the body, that war a pretty dumb decision.

*Reads FML, shakes head and crawls back into bed*

*Reads comment. Thumbs down and keeps scrolling.*

mangoboy1 19

If you knew that you were going to be talking to them then YDI, if not FYL.

So OP only deserves it if he knew he had someone to speak to? Meaning if he was hungover at work doing anything else, it'd be ok?

Don't think he's at work. He's a student.

jreid21 6

If you knew you were going to meet them, then YDI. If you got invited last minute, then FYL. Then again, drinking to the hungover point is never good, so either way YDI