By poop - 18/05/2009 17:25 - United States

Today, at work, I decided to try and impress this girl walking behind me by holding the door open for her. As she was walking through, I inadvertently pulled the door too hard. It slammed against the wall and ricochet back, hitting her right in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 626
You deserved it 19 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unlucky91 0

Well, either thats the end of meeting her or maybe you'll have a story to tell your kids :] but yeah FBYL ( **** both your lives). i hope she doesn't get a bruise


unlucky91 0

Well, either thats the end of meeting her or maybe you'll have a story to tell your kids :] but yeah FBYL ( **** both your lives). i hope she doesn't get a bruise

Thabb 0

YDI for thinking she actually cared whether or not you held a damn door. I doub she'd notice you anyway people hold doors all the time

Well, you aint gettin any from her. And #2 it's not having "low standards" it's called being a gentleman. Learn about it sometime.

Enoch134 0

#2 is saying that being a gentelman should be second nature as in if he thinks opening the door is a big feat

#5 - I think #2 meant that holding the door open should be a common gentlemanly thing to do and not be something used to impress pretty girls

LOL, you're too strong ! xD lol @ 7

likeduhhx4 0

#2 how is this low standards ? it's called being nice for someone, think before you talk.

You'd better not pull so hard when you play with yourself, since you are obviously not going to get any from that chick.