By Sad Student - 03/02/2014 03:26 - Canada - Toronto

Today, as usual, I stress ate. After having my exams prolonged for an extra week, I ate three extremely large packs of Skittles, and then threw them all up. Taste the rainbow, puke the rainbow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 617
You deserved it 16 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For some reason I have a picture in my head where you are literally barfing a rainbow out. Hope you did well on your exams though!


I just love that 'stress eating' is an appropriate reason to be fat nowadays.

A lot of people crave certain foods under stress, especially the sweet and fatty foods. That being said, I knew people who would stress eat and stay in good shape because they played sports. You can't just say OP is fat. For all we know OP goes to the gym everyday or plays sports and just buckled under pressure and ate some sweets. Of course the exact opposite could be true as well.

Who ever said OP was fat? Anyone can stress eat.

perdix 29

The good news is that after the purge, you'd have room for more candy. You would have done well at the Roman vomitorium and not with the current prejudice against "bulemia."

I'm really confused as to which kind of comments people would be upvoting or downvoting.

Try something else aside from a granola bar or something I friend of mind does that and it helps her out...

I like some sliced up apples and peanut butter myself.

Were you really surprised? Eating three large packets of anything in one sitting would make anyone throw up.

Y'know if you stress-ate celery and ate 3 whole bags, you'd end up losing weight because you'd burn more digesting it than you get out of it... :) Just saying...

arandomusernameaa 20

Except celery tastes like shit...

And isn't having sweets and such the main point of stress eating? I mean, no one, before stress eating is going to say to themselves, "hey, might as well eat something healthy." No thought like that would ever go through the stressed brain, ever.

Celery is delicious! Especially soaked in ranch and buffalo sauce... Mmm.. wings..

Marshawn Lynch would be proud. On a more serious note, I'm a stress eater too. :( I get it. Hopefully you can adapt it to a more healthy habit! :)

Ashter 20

Yea, that does suck. I hope you feel better and find some other way to cope with the stress. Good luck.