By Anonymousagb - 24/04/2009 15:18 - United Arab Emirates

Today, as I was washing the dishes, I felt what I thought was a mosquito on my leg. I kicked at it with my foot only to realize that I had just kicked my adopted puppy in the face. Now, whenever I come into a room, he runs to the corner and pees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 962
You deserved it 92 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserved it, you idiot. The puppy didn't though.


Poor puppy! OMG thats awful. Terrible, man. MAKE IT BETTER.

Scorponok 0

Nice job, dumbass. Next time how about looking down? Would that be so hard?

to number 76, im sorry i thought this was fmylife not the website for aspca. and maybe the dog did feel like a mosquito, but you still deserved it for trying to kick a bug.

are u just a moron or was it just a microscopic puppy. now the puppy is frightened of you and probably anyone else for the matter you have to love and nurture it a-hole

are u just a moron or was it just a microscopic puppy. now the puppy is frightened of you and probably anyone else for the matter you have to love and nurture it a-hole

Alyssaxo3xo 0

how do you mistake a mosquito and a puppy are you an idiot! yhats horrible!...**** the puppys life!

UR HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean u didnt know but if u have a dog, you should look before you kick. I hope the dog is okay.

some big mosquito if your gonna "kick at it" idoit