By Anonymousagb - 24/04/2009 15:18 - United Arab Emirates

Today, as I was washing the dishes, I felt what I thought was a mosquito on my leg. I kicked at it with my foot only to realize that I had just kicked my adopted puppy in the face. Now, whenever I come into a room, he runs to the corner and pees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 962
You deserved it 92 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserved it, you idiot. The puppy didn't though.


ohmyb 0

For the people who said stuff like, 'why would you kick a mosquito' Maybe the person just shook their leg (because they were using their hands to wash the dishes) to get the mossie off and it hit the poor puppy's face, so they put it down as a kick. But just a thought. Hope the she warms up to you soon, and be more careful next time.

Pet the thing. After a while it'll forget the incident. I went to Rome when I was a child and saw a stray dog wandering a public square. Not realizing that it is VERY common for people to run up and kick strays in the head there I ran up to it and tried to pet it. It tried to bite me but after it figured out I was only trying to pet it it calmed down and followed me around for a short while. Dogs can be very forgiving.

Fail! That poor puppy! You don't deserve him

lady4 0


abcdefgh_fml 0

You morons, anything could feel like an insect from simply brushing off your leg, you do realize dogs have whiskers right?

carolizzle712 0

who tries to kick off a mosquito? that poor dog!!!

indian_goddess 0

oh my gosh i wanna cry for the poor puppy :(