By Anonymousagb - 24/04/2009 15:18 - United Arab Emirates

Today, as I was washing the dishes, I felt what I thought was a mosquito on my leg. I kicked at it with my foot only to realize that I had just kicked my adopted puppy in the face. Now, whenever I come into a room, he runs to the corner and pees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 962
You deserved it 92 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserved it, you idiot. The puppy didn't though.


That is so ****** up. Give the puppy to someone who'll take care of it, idiot.

I'm horrified at this story. Horrified. Poor dog.... Didn't know any better. Awww.

MyBloodSings 0

Shoving a puppy's face into his own pee is disturbing and wrong. I would say the same about kicking it too. You have some major sucking up to do to that poor dog. One question though, Who kicks their leg?! If there was a tickling feeling on my leg, I would have swatted it! Weirdo.

awww!!! poor thing! how the **** does a gorgeous little puppy feel like a mosquito?! idiot and plus its adopted, hasnt the poor thing been through enough!:L

AntiChrist7 0

if you have any sympathy, you give him away for adoption immediatly. how can you mistake a mosquito for a puppy.

i'm sorry but that is hillarious. and so sad! that poor puppy.