By Anonymousagb - 24/04/2009 15:18 - United Arab Emirates

Today, as I was washing the dishes, I felt what I thought was a mosquito on my leg. I kicked at it with my foot only to realize that I had just kicked my adopted puppy in the face. Now, whenever I come into a room, he runs to the corner and pees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 962
You deserved it 92 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserved it, you idiot. The puppy didn't though.


#17 must live somewhere that doesn't have mosquitoes. You can feel them land before they bite you.

caitxD 0

Awhh; poor puppy. More FTL not yours. hah.

OMFG u pet abuser! Check b4 u kick...seriously u deserved that 1

So.... does this mean that the dog's previous owner now has license to go to your father and say "Your daughter kicked my dog?" LOL sorry, lame joke. but I hope you regain the puppy's trust!

xThatRandomGirlx 0

poor puppy dont worry he'll like you again...

You need to buy that puppy hella Beggin Strips, and start passing out mad belly rubs. But seriously, start trying to rebuilt that trust. Few things sadder in life than a sad puppy.

x3Kiome 0

... LMAO. That sucks. You should try to have some food in your hands, and get your puppy over to you and try to be friends with it again. My brother's girlfriend kicked my puppy once, AND she was wearing a sharp boot and my puppy wouldn't stop crying... until she gave him a puppybone and he loved her again. xD

poor little thing..he'll get over is eventually. just don't kick hi again:)

There are so many stupid repeat comments here. Surely we've had enough of the "how could you think the dog was a mosquito?" -easy, dog gently brushes you, could feel like a bug landing on or flying past you. "why would you kick?" -to shake the bug off, OP was washing dishes, wet soapy hands, not wanting to spray water across the floor by slapping at their leg. OP, I hope the puppy learns to trust you again soon. Poor thing.