By Anonymousagb - 24/04/2009 15:18 - United Arab Emirates

Today, as I was washing the dishes, I felt what I thought was a mosquito on my leg. I kicked at it with my foot only to realize that I had just kicked my adopted puppy in the face. Now, whenever I come into a room, he runs to the corner and pees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 962
You deserved it 92 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserved it, you idiot. The puppy didn't though.


wonnybot73 0

lmao although I don't know how u mistook a puppy for a mosquito, I must say this is one of those things that keep on hurting. now everytime ur puppy sees u, u gone have a pissy mess to clean up. :(

Well, you said that your puppy was adopted. It could have come from an abusive home, which is why it reacted like it did. I don't get why ppl are analyzing so much about how a mosquito feels. It was a bug of some sort, that's all you thought. B/c you were doing dishes, maybe your hands were full and you just kicked your leg. I've done it before. Just kicked my leg. It's like shaking off that light feeling a bug is giving. As for your puppy, I have accidently kicked my cat a few times. She likes to get under my feet to the point i can't stop my feet in time or I just don't see her. She'll cry. I'll rush over to pick her up and she'll cringe away. But after holding her and calming her down, she's fine. The same goes for when i step on her paw or tail by accident. I always rush over to hug and comfort her. I just don't like hearing her cry D= So basically, she hold your puppy and comfort him. Show him there is nothing to be afraid of, and that was just an accident. Animals usually are quick to forgive. As for him peeing, don't rub his nose in it. It's totally opposite to what I'm saying. When your puppy overcomes his fear, so should his peeing.

ElleEnvy 0

@ 10 XDD @171 Agreed OP: Try to earn its trust slowly, buy it a treat or something, put your hand out to show it you aren't going to hurt it.

#71 youre a dumbass abuse is intentionally meaning to hurt something. The person just kicked it by mistake.

pezgordo_1 0

I'm sure your puppy will come around. he should forget about it pretty soon

missus_butter 0

YDI. Cleaning pee is your penance.

katherinebby17 28
TikkleMeTorry_fml 0

Omfg the poor puppyy why would you post this, people love puppies. No one's gonna like you if you kicked an adopted puppy

claiireee1 0

AWWWW OMG :'( poor puppy. give him lots of treats & love, he'll come around!

myshadow_89 0

how do you mistake a puppy for a mosquito?!?!