By sleepy - 23/05/2011 04:57 - United States

Today, as I was standing in the checkout line in a store, my six year-old daughter proudly announced to everyone that I fell asleep on the toilet last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 878
You deserved it 8 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hehe not so bad.. he could have caught you doing something else...


haha this made me laugh, look on the bright side- she could have said something worse, so smile- and tell her about this when she brings home her first boyfriend!

bigantennaemay 3

ahem, hem, i feel i've announced this over a thousand times now, but.... YDI, THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR HAVING KIDS! DON'T WANT STRESS, PROBLEMS, AND MIGRAINES? DON'T HAVE KIDS! IT COULDN'T BE ANY SIMPLER THAN THAT!

Right... Because if you don't have kids, your life's obviously a breeze.

ReynshineCutting 10

What about the people who didn't mean to get pregnant? They may not have wanted kids but shit happens. And like Jane said, life is just all sunshine and rainbows of you don't have kids. Heck, my fiancé and I don't have any and we're barely making ends meet, but it's not stressful because we don't have kids! Idiot.

jenaandtyler4eva 0

I don't get how this is bad or an fml at all because if that happened to me I would just be laughing and say yea I did

Better she said it at a supermarket than scream random things in church.

parcel and package of kids, you've got to love them!

Kids..... They say the darnest things xD

tom15 0

you should keep the door locked