By Anonymous - 24/04/2016 14:38 - United States - San Francisco

Today, as I was getting out of the car, my 7-year-old son opened the door for me. I thought it was very gentlemanly of him to do that, until he smashed my thumb with the car door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 004
You deserved it 1 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Him smashing your thumb probably wasn't on purpose

It might've been an accident, it might've been on purpose. Regardless, children generally don't understand the consequences of their actions so it's completely possible that he just didn't realize that it could hurt you.


Him smashing your thumb probably wasn't on purpose

At least you could give him a thumbs up for trying

Nothing beats family, except car doors.

chocolateteacup 25

He probably didn't mean it! I hope you're alright though :)

It might've been an accident, it might've been on purpose. Regardless, children generally don't understand the consequences of their actions so it's completely possible that he just didn't realize that it could hurt you.

It's a learning experience for everyone! Your son learned to make sure that the door is clear before closing it, and you learned to put your hand on the door when your son helps you out.

Please tell me he locked it too with the keys still in the car.

That happened to my mom once. She was screaming for someone to help while all us kids were just standing there looking around because we were so young and didn't know what to do. She ended up needing a bunch of stitches.

Hit YDI by mistake. Yeah FYL and have a sit down with your kid those kinds of injuries can be more dangerous than they sound.

No doubt. I got my middle finger slammed in a car door when I was young and I almost lost the tip of my finger. On the bright side, after I got my stitches the wrap on my finger was so thick it pushed all my other fingers down. I also took the doc a bit to literal when he told me to keep my hand above my heart (I mean head and heart are the same thing right?) So when I went back to school I was flipping everyone off. I didn't get in trouble because I had a doctors note. Good times. Good times.