By WhyDoINeedAName - 13/03/2013 19:51 - Canada - Okotoks

Today, as always, I'm dating one of the few girls who, without fail, always finishes first when we get intimate. She's also one of those girlfriends who doesn't want to continue once she's done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 475
You deserved it 8 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrBrightside21 20

I'd be satisfied to have anyone with a female reproductive organ.

Hey, at least you're good enough to make her finish!


BellaBelle_fml 23

37 - I take it that you either don't have much experience with sex, or that you have been manipulated by your sexual partners into believing that the woman 'deserves' more attention. It isn't about one partner getting or giving more than the other. It should be about both partners doing their equal share in making sure that both are satisfied. I am very blessed to have a husband who thinks this way as well, we both put in just as much effort as the other to ensure that a great time is had by all. And if one of us finishes before the other, we ALWAYS continue until they do, it's only fair. Sadly, there are some very selfish sexual partners out there than ruin it for their partner.

We have a word for people who take what they want and leave their friends with nothing. Single.

This seems like a rare occurrence in general, and since it's obviously happened to you multiple times I'm thinking you just take too long. How long are we talking? The typical sexual encounter lasts about 5-15 minutes of actual penetration time. Much longer and the woman WILL get tired and sore.

What's wrong with being one of THOSE girls?

Haha! So she acts like a dude about sex. This is revenge for every girl you didn't get off.

huh. I thought it was always the guys who did that.

No offence, but welcome to the world of most women.

ninjacow123 6

Atleast you have a girlfriend

I'm Pretty much done when I get mine but I wait for him to finish unless he's being cocky n trying to last all night. ain't nobody got time for that

Take it as a compliment!!! Your just that good!;)