By GonnaBeLonley2night - 13/09/2010 13:24 - United States

Today, my husband won't talk to me because he got mad when I asked him what he thought about 'that lame performance last night'. He doesn't believe that I really was talking about football. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 257
You deserved it 8 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he really believes you're not talking about the football, then either you should reassure him that he does know what he's doing, or take the opportunity to teach him to be better.


530boy 0

Call him an idiot then do a biopsy on his dick to see why it doesn't work.

Schizomaniac 24
imright24 0

#8, that doesn't even make sense.

imright24 0

#8, that doesn't even make sense.

guess he couldn't make it to home base on time eh

sourgirl101 28

Dammit 33! That's a baseball term. Get your sports right! Illegal motion Defensive holding First Down Fumble the Ball Roughing the Passer ARE READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!!!!! Hell ya I am!!!!!

personally, I don't think he "fails." I'm a die-heart cowboys fan as well. last nights game was beyond frustrating. I was pissed. if someone said that to me I would be pretty upset too (even though it is true.) he may be acting a little extreme but he definitely does not fail.

sundayporch 2

You do realise that the husband thought his wife was talking about his performance in bed, right?

sourgirl101 28

I got so excited- I forgot the "YOU" And it's ALL about the "U" University of Miami that is! (I know we lost the last game) Dont make me cry):

sourgirl101 28

I got so excited- I forgot the "YOU" And it's ALL about the "U" University of Miami that is! (I know we lost the last game) Dont make me cry):

sourgirl101 28

Not last night. Cowboy's Offensive Coordinator sucks! Once they get that promblem fixed... then watch out! Go Dallas!

I can tell 43 really loves her football lol And if OP was talking about the Cowboys last night she was bang on Too many ******* penalties!

Jessi2487 0

im no scientist but im guessing OPs husband fumbled in the home plate

Tasanasanta 0

56- That is awfull! There is no fumbling in baseball and nor is there a home plate in football. Your comment made me cry inside :(

KarinaLizeth18 5

58 ~ She did say she was no scientist, lol. xD

cowboys suck!!! any one remember the cowboys vikings play off game last year? garbage!!!!!!!! *waits patiently for a dumb saints fan to comment*

KingDingALing 9

66- Shut up. Cowboys don't suck. The Vikings are really good, you can't say they aren't.

KingDingALing 9

I was so pissed off cuz of the game last night... As a matter of fact, I'm still pissed off! >:(

dont worry :/ ive been pissed all year about the vikings saints last year :/ i cant get over it!!!

Jessi2487 0

58 i didnt mean to make u cry inside but 59 is right i said im no scientist. btw i like ur pic.... so thats what happens when someone actually thinks? it never happens to me :(

caliangel 0

Haha!! That was awesome!!! Romo, TD pass to Roy Williams in the last seconds of the game!!! Celebration in the end zone!!! Wait...wait... holding!!!! Cowboys lose!!! LMFAO!!!

#44 I believe it's die-hard, not die heart...ydi

Sorry I have the iPod touch app, fml can't update as fast and I can't edit my comments; I'm not first :(. At least I'm first in the fml directly above this one in the recents list and second here :). Sorry for the FIRST I just have always wanted to be first like 95% of the people here.

530boy 0

I didn't know being first was a cool thing lol

Hahaha I have the iTouch app too. I've never been first. I'm waiting for the perfect time to strike.... >.< :P

KarinaLizeth18 5

I was first once too, but I posted my first comment on an FML that had to do with obama. so all the trolls flocked to that FML because of the political relation and practically bagged on me. >:/ they told me so many hurtful things D; lmao! so make sure that you don't simply say "first" because that's what I did ;( or else people will murder you with words!! :O

mshooter 0

Lol. Where I live I know the exact time when Fmylife updates to new FML's.

jetco89 0

as long as he got his jollys why would he care if u thought it was lame.

You probably suck in bed, 3. Your gf (if you have one, which I doubt) is likely not very happy with you.

This isn't all that bad, he got to watch his game, and have a lame performance with you.

YupImBack 0

Dumbass comment #1 and FAIL at # 2. But it's kinda funny OP. He'll get over it though

If he really believes you're not talking about the football, then either you should reassure him that he does know what he's doing, or take the opportunity to teach him to be better.

Hahahahaha well in his defense woman doesn't watch that many football as man do

..And you didn't get as many grammar lessons as others did?

I_have_no_clue 0

obviously he didn't think it was good either or you frequently call sex a lame-ass performance. fhl if it's the second one.

Lulu714 0
Tasanasanta 0
BigRed764 2

20 you dont even have a pic of yourself

Schizomaniac 24

20, it's funny that you ridicule someone else for their appearance, and yet, you don't have a picture of yourself posted. Are you an... insecure little bitch? I think so!!!! :D

GMS1 7

lmao #20 ftw! abc to the op one answer will solve EVERYTHING....BJ

SmallTownCutie 0

20- you are quite an unatractive puppy. I don't think you have room to be judging this women. Her face isn't nearly as uneven as yours.

bradleylkeller 0

you must have been watching the Iowa-Iowa State game!!! Lol

**** yeah Iowa! I'm an Iowa fan though. That was a good game. Better than this year's...

Ya he has some issues. Have you complained about bedroom performance before?