By nothisfault - 05/12/2008 04:40 - France

Today, and as for the rest of my life, I will always have a husband whose breath stinks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 909
You deserved it 29 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could get a tongue scarper. Halitosis often comes from a stinky tongue with icky build-up. Also, taking chopped cloves of garlic like pills can help. He'll smell like garlic for a couple days, but after that his body will become immune and stop the odor. Good luck-

kenltd 0

Maybe you should practice better hygiene before he goes down on you


seriously, you should tell him if you haven't already. there are things he can do and maybe he has no idea!

its called a toothbrush, just shove it down his throut or even better deprive him of sex

KY_Jelly 10

His condition is probably Halitosis so brushing alone probably wouldn't work. Halitosis is cheap and easy to treat. Look up some ways online. A combination of breath-minting, tongue-scraping, and good oral hygine should fix it right up. Just take caution before kissing and make sure he keeps on brushing well because insufficient brushing probably caused this in the first place. Have fun!

YDI. you must have already known when you married him, so it's your fault you're married to a guy with bad breath. although you could have been a bitch and ended it with him because of that...

feari_princess 0

wow. you say she deserves it becouse she married him... then you call her a b*tch if she ends it. WTF?! OP: tell him no sex till he smells better.

BaBYjEsUs1239 0

ur the one who married him. YDI

I wish I had a life where that was my major concern. Leave him, maybe your next husband will just be abusive

Penguinophile 0

That's not nice. I feel sorry for your husband.

mrwelsh3 0

how's it.not nice I doubt you'd want your bf to have butt hole breath dumb ass

then why did you marry him? especially since your bitching about it now.

#26: so its her fault either way? she cant control her husband's stank breath. try casually offering him a mint, buying him better toothpaste/mouthwash or a tongue scraper. most of the time halitosis comes from bacteria built up on your toungue in places you cant reach. good luck.