By nothisfault - 05/12/2008 04:40 - France

Today, and as for the rest of my life, I will always have a husband whose breath stinks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 909
You deserved it 29 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could get a tongue scarper. Halitosis often comes from a stinky tongue with icky build-up. Also, taking chopped cloves of garlic like pills can help. He'll smell like garlic for a couple days, but after that his body will become immune and stop the odor. Good luck-

kenltd 0

Maybe you should practice better hygiene before he goes down on you


_charliebrown_ 3

Wow. You're a fantastic wife. You get married and then complain about your husban on a website. Not just any site. FML.

You should tell him how to do, becuase you are family.

Hpixiee 23

This is why you let your HUSBAND know, or take him to a doctor. There could be worse underlying problems, no need to get selfish here.

Yeliab333 20

And you don't tell him why?

Me too, but I don't care because I love him anyway. It's a medical condition and he makes sure to use mouth wash and stuff before we kiss. :-)

If that's the worst thing about him, count your blessings.

Tell him to brush more often and take up chewing gum. It can't be that bad if you Really love him.

So basically you got married and the first thing you do is complain?