By nothisfault - 05/12/2008 04:40 - France

Today, and as for the rest of my life, I will always have a husband whose breath stinks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 909
You deserved it 29 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could get a tongue scarper. Halitosis often comes from a stinky tongue with icky build-up. Also, taking chopped cloves of garlic like pills can help. He'll smell like garlic for a couple days, but after that his body will become immune and stop the odor. Good luck-

kenltd 0

Maybe you should practice better hygiene before he goes down on you


He just has to drink water and maintain good oral hygiene. He won't have it for the rest if his life.

ur name must be Pang and ur husband is Peng? yea I know...his breath be STANK!!!

1. Why the hell did you marry him then? 2. If it's a permanent state and won't go away from brushing his teeth he should maybe go see a doctor. There's stuff you can do about this you know? It's only bacteria after all.

I agree with seeing a doctor. There is actually a chance that it is a sign of future health problems.

kimmyN 5

There is such a thing as tonsil stones or cysts, which look like little white pebbles in your tonsils, that cause a distinct bad breath. You can't always see them though, so if brushing his teeth isn't doing the trick, this may be a potential cause.

CammyGal 26

It's just his breath. Tell him to brush his teeth and get over it.