By brokeasajoke - 01/11/2013 12:58 - United States - El Reno

Today, an old man looked me dead in the eyes as he reached into my tip jar, grabbed the money, and then walked out of the store as if nothing ever happened. I was so shocked that I couldn't do anything to stop him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 772
You deserved it 10 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatonegirlnic 10

I can't wait to be old. They get away with everything

People like that need to realize that people work hard for those tips


Didn't anyone else see this and try to stop him? Hope you regain your tips fast...

You were shocked? Shocked?! Why?! He walked in, took the money out of the tip jar, and you became so shocked you couldn't stop him?!

Yeah, sounds pretty ******* stupid. Seems like OP is probably a pussy about a lot of things in life. He is where he deserves to be.

AntiPrude 26

YDI for not stopping him. An old man for ***** sake.

I don't care if he was old, poor, or homeless. Stealing is stealing. >:(

That is what i call the eye of the tiger.......... <(=OwO=)>

ViviMage 38

Get a locked clear box that can't be easily reached into!

rlTlk 13

I don't have a tip jar at my work, am not allowed to, but am allowed to take money as a tip if it is given to me. I had an elderly customer tell me that seeing me was the highlight of their day and gave me a $10 tip and I was pretty blown away. until my manger came up and snatched it from me said that it was hers since I was still on her register. this woman takes any and all change people leave behind and pockets it when it is supposed to go to our cancer donation jar.. i've never known someone so selfish and stingy. also I have people who steal from our donation jar have even had people simply walk in snatch up the whole thing and walk out.. fyl op dealing in customer service can really defeat your faith in humanity.

I can't believe you let him rob u like that. That's your money and you let him take it from you like that. I would of jumped him for my money.

If you look at the sharingan, you're already in a genjutsu.