Scam artists

By oldladiesbecrazy - 03/09/2021 07:59

Today, in a market, an old lady stood beside me for a few moments, not saying a word, before turning to me and screaming that I'd taken the money out of her purse. Security was called and I was given the ultimatum to either go to jail or give her the money back. Now I have no food for next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 268
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had an aunt that would pull a stunt like that, should have told them to pull the security footage.

hopejm 5

I agree with ebrogan. go back and ask to see the tapes. they'll have to return your money, if they don't then call the cops.


You shouldn't have stolen money from an old lady! Shame on you!

I had an aunt that would pull a stunt like that, should have told them to pull the security footage.

Major Ahull 3

Stick to taking candy from babies. Especially if you're tall and unintimidating

hopejm 5

I agree with ebrogan. go back and ask to see the tapes. they'll have to return your money, if they don't then call the cops.

Report her to the police. She scammed you and there is a possibility that you are not the only one. Security should not have pressured you like that. As other people say, go back and ask for the tapes. I don't know where you are from, but I'm pretty sure you can't be thrown into jail like that ? If you didn't have any money in your pockets, and it was only in your wallet/purse, how could that money be hers?

Warp1978 15

This sounds like a great con which I will employ when I'm old and skint

Should have told them to go ahead and call the police, you're an idiot.