By hjgjh - 27/04/2009 06:14 - United States

Today, an ant bit my penis. That was the first 'mouth' to ever touch it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 97 585
You deserved it 23 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did you return the favour? bet you didn't you selfish bastard

ZiggyMorrison 0

hahahahaha well depending on your age I wouldnt worry too much perhaps your 12 in which case you've got plenty of time that sounds kinda painful though did it atleast swallow?


fragilefreedumb 0

to all the people that are making comments about hygiene... what does that have to do with anything? just because an ant crawls on you, it doesn't make you a dirty person. they clearly could have been sitting outside and wearing shorts and it could have crawled up his leg and inside. and to all those calling 'fake', that's retarded. just because its never happened to you [and really, like you'd complain?] doesn't mean it never happened to someone else. grow up. on one other note, there are tons of different types of ants. some sting, some bite, whatever. geez, stop calling people out on stupid shit. its annoying.

cinderelly 0

dude, why were there ants in your pants?

isKinetic 0

wtf were you doing that would cause an ant to bite your penis?!

How did an ant get on your penis is what everyone really cares about. So?

An ant didn't "bite" you. Pinchers are not the same as mouths. Sorry to tell you that you still haven't gotten your first bj.

How did an ant get on your peenie? Haha, better question...was it a huge ant? I probably wouldn't even notice.

Demonchild 0

Ummm... i think id be too ashamed to put that up.... dunno what else to say.... Oh yea im gona rub in the fact that i got a g/f and she gives me ******** D.C.