By JessThompson - 05/12/2012 16:50 - Canada - Hamilton

Today, after telling my young kids all about Santa, his reindeer and his sleigh, we saw him. Smoking a cigarette in the beat-up car next to ours at a red light. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 970
You deserved it 4 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well times are hard everybody is having a rough time and down grading.

Your kids learnt the grim reality of life. Santa can't hold his job; it's stressful and only comes one a year. The IRS is up his ass and the missus has had more rides from the elves than Santa gets on his sleigh. Everyone copes some how. So merry christmas you jolly bastard. I'll be leaving you my cookies and milk.


Well times are hard everybody is having a rough time and down grading.

Yea, I'm feeling glum too! Has this become a greivances thread?

Nobody understands me... (insert Emo meme)

Misswildsides 22

My silence is just another word for my pain *sniffle sniffle*

Staring out window with a sense of yearning.

*Walks through the thread, thumb out, like Stewie*. The Lonely man song playing in the back ground.

Why won't any of you just notice me???!! :'(

lelo007 11

I'll share my candy bar with you guys if it will cheer you up :)

lelo007 11

I haven't bought it, yet, so we can all agree on it. My vote is in for a Zero Bar.

No. I say we get a Hershey's cookie n cream bar.

tsent8 15

70 71 both of you are wrong we could go and track down this Santa and give him the money. I'm sure that would make us all feel good. Never mind I want twix.

What about a bag of mini Reese's there is enough for everyone?

tsent8 15

Possibly but what if pleonasm wants in maybe we could all pitch in and get one of those big Halloween sized candy bags.

barefootchic 6

Just tell them Santa has lots of helpers during the Christmas Season.

still not the best role model to be associated with Santa

Inheritance 10

Say, "That's a Santa wanna-be."

mduffy08 8

Instead of cookies and milk he drinks beer and smokes

MichellinMan 20

This reminds me of that family guy episode where Brian and Stewie go to the North Pole to find Santa but all his elves are all messed up and his factory looks like a toxic waste dump.

Jeterforever 3

For some reason I always see Santa smoking...

Your kids learnt the grim reality of life. Santa can't hold his job; it's stressful and only comes one a year. The IRS is up his ass and the missus has had more rides from the elves than Santa gets on his sleigh. Everyone copes some how. So merry christmas you jolly bastard. I'll be leaving you my cookies and milk.

You forgot the fact that's he's now being sued for providing unsanitary working conditions and inhumane treatment for the elves.

JoeGrant 12

Wait! You almost forgot the animal abuse charges due to the whole "reindeer situation".

Can't he write off presents as a business expense on his taxes?

Saves you the explanation he isn't real...

Sorry. I meant to thumb that up. Stupid fat fingers!!

thejewishfuhrer 17

I meant to thumb it down. So I did. Oh how I love my smart skinny fingers!

vic55jets 13

Unfortunate, but at least you won't have to really worry about them seeing the tooth fairy or the Easter bunny like that.

BlueFlatts 20

No, cause we all know the Tooth Fairy looks like the Rock.

zingline89 18

Anyone else reminded of Home Alone?

Looks like presents are going to be a little bit late this year.

Think about all the stress Santa has? He's delivering toys to kids all over the world. :b

"Look kids, Santa Claus is coming to town" is what I would've said