By Alex - 08/05/2016 19:12 - United States

Today, after spending $120 to have a bouquet of flowers delivered to my mom, she called to complain that I had forgotten about her for Mother's day, but also praise my sister for apparently receiving my flowers I sent at the door and passing them off as hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 685
You deserved it 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

do you have a receipt or an email confirming that you bought the flowers? if you do, show that to her.

Push your sister in front of the karma bus.... Only 1 of you will have a receipt.... Call her ass out on it, I front of your mother... Your sister sounds like a real ************


do you have a receipt or an email confirming that you bought the flowers? if you do, show that to her.

That's what i was thinking . Should have put a copy of the reciept in a mothers day card and said that's her gift

I was thinking it would've come with some sort of card saying 'Love you mom, from your son' or something at least

Time for revenge... Hehe. But anyway didn't the flowers have a little card attached to them or something? Or did she rip it off?

Push your sister in front of the karma bus.... Only 1 of you will have a receipt.... Call her ass out on it, I front of your mother... Your sister sounds like a real ************

Probably not the best insult to use in this case. Especially given that it was OP who she ****** over.

Correct her, and also slap a bitch.

Nothing left to do but pull a Ramsay Bolton, and feed your sister to the hounds ...

That sucks. To return the favor, send her a bag of candy dicks and pass them off as your sisters

At least you didn't buy your mom chocolate fruit and have your dad eat them all

Attacksloth 33

I hope you have an order confirmation.

And this is why Man invented Receipts!