By yapDogs - 10/05/2015 01:43 - United States - Fort Myers

Today, I sent a $120 bouquet of flowers for mother's day. When I called tonight see if my Mom got them, she replied that they were still on the doorstep because she "didn't want the dogs to get excited and start barking" when she opened the front door to bring them in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 859
You deserved it 2 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go get them from the doorstep and give them to somebody who will actually appreciate them.

You should "arrange" to get them delivered to a retirement home where they will be appreciated


Wow so ungrateful! Well I guess it's the thought that counts right??

or she can tie it up and pull it from the window

Go get them from the doorstep and give them to somebody who will actually appreciate them.

I'm sure she'd like to have dead flowers on her doorstep. She'll have to open the door eventually.

You should "arrange" to get them delivered to a retirement home where they will be appreciated

Sorry O.P, maybe give the to someone less fortunate.

That's a lot of money for flowers. I guess the dogs mean more to her. Don't waste your money on her for other occasions. Instead just send her a greeting card.

Sounds like Mom gets flowers a little too often. Stop sending them to her. When she starts to whine that nobody ever sends her any, remind her about her last gift and tell her you didn't think she really liked them.

Then maybe she should train her dogs to not act like hooligans when someone opens the front door. And maybe you should give the flowers to someone who appreciates them more. I hope your mother isn't always like that OP.

"Be happy and thank me. I spent 120 dollars on them you ungrateful bitch" No, no don't say that but do tell her how much you spent on them.

In my opinion it shouldn't matter how much was spent. But the fact that mom didn't even care enough to bring them inside is what makes her ungrateful.